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GENERAL SESSION: Solving for the Future in Philly

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 400 Level, Terrace Ballroom

Philadelphia is, and always has been, the birthplace of innovative solutions. In addition to being the meeting place for the 1st Continental Congress and one of the country’s first cities, it is also home to the first children’s hospital, the first U.S. Mint, the first women’s medical college, the first computer, and the first World’s Fair! The same spirit Ben Franklin applied to his study of electricity in the 1750s is alive and well today. In this session moderated by Philly’s own Stan Middleman, President & CEO of Freedom Mortgage, hear from some of the city’s top innovators. Madeline Bell, President and CEO of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), has advanced pediatric ambulatory and behavioral health care for the city. Sister Mary Scullion is the President and Executive Director of Project HOME, helping thousands of people through a creative continuum of supportive housing and comprehensive services to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty.





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