RC_LA_ST_200.1 Servicing Transfers Concepts

1-5 CMB Points Education Intermediate Loan Administration & Servicing Residential Residential Certified Mortgage Servicer (RCMS) Self-Study Web-Based Courses
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Non-Member $100.00

Servicing, also known as loan administration, is the performance of the administrative duties associated with a loan from the time it closes until it is paid off. The right to service a loan is an important source of income for most mortgage lenders. These rights are often sold several times during the life of the loan to fund losses from problem loans, to pay off debts, or to restructure servicing portfolios. The sale of servicing rights is referred to as a servicing transfer.

Servicing Transfers Concepts covers the basic steps involved in servicing transfers. The course begins with an overview of servicing transfers and goes on to explain the servicing transfer process and the types of servicing transfers. Next, it discusses the importance of due diligence. Finally, the course introduces the major players involved in servicing transfers, including the agencies and investors.

This is a single-family/residential course.


  • Introducing Servicing Transfers
  • The Transfer Process and Types of Transfers
  • Servicing Transfers and Due Diligence
  • Agencies and Investors

Seat time approximately 30 minutes.

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