MBA Residential Originations Databook and Reports

The most comprehensive source of industry-wide residential loan origination data, MBA's Residential Originations Databook contains accessible, expert analysis on detailed origination trends formatted for practical application and ease of use. An ideal tool for gathering business leads, data is available for the U.S. by State, Metro Market, County, and Lender.

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2024 HMDA Residential Originations Databook (2023 Data)

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Please note that the products below include 2023 RESIDENTIAL (1-4 UNIT), RETAIL/BROKER/NON-DELEGATED CORRESPONDENT, CLOSED-END, 1ST LIEN ORIGINATIONS ONLY, unless otherwise noted, and exclude multifamily property types as well as home improvement loans, and loans with "other" or "not applicable" purposes. Identical reports for DELEGATED CORRESPONDENT originations are also available for purchase. Click to download a list of available states, metro markets, and counties.

Residential Originations Databook


Product No.


2024 HMDA Residential Originations Databook (2023 Data): 
A comprehensive collection of summary originations reports, including: originations by loan purpose, loan type, and state; loan type shares by state; average loan sizes by loan purpose and state; the top 100 lenders for the U.S. ranked by originations volume, and the top 100 lenders for each state ranked by originations volume.
Download a Sample Originations Databook »


ORDER $375/$895

2024 HMDA Executive Databook (2023 Data): A complementary report to the HMDA Residential Originations Databook that highlights high-level trends in originations volume by year, loan purpose, loan type, company type, borrower income, and borrower race/ethnicity.
Download a Sample Executive Databook »


Popular Originations Reports

ProductProduct No.Member/
Historical Originations for the U.S. by Year [SAMPLE] 3050-59$150/$350
Originations by State [SAMPLE]3050-25$50/$125
Originations by Metro Market (Top 50) [SAMPLE]3050-52 $50/$75 
Originations by Metro Market (All) [SAMPLE]3050-54$350/$750 

Lender Ranking Reports

ProductProduct No.Member/

Top 50 by:

Total Originations Volume [SAMPLE]3050-20-AFREE/$45
Purchase Originations Volume [SAMPLE]3050-20-PFREE/$45
Refinance Originations Volume [SAMPLE]3050-20-RFREE/$45


Top 100 by:

Total Originations Volume [SAMPLE]3050-20$50/$75
State (choose one)3050-22$40/$60
Metro Market (choose one)3050-24$50/$75
County (choose one)3050-30$30/$40
Institution Type (choose one: Large Depositories, Community Banks, Credit Unions, Non-Depositories)  


All Lenders by:

Total Originations Volume [SAMPLE]3050-26$175/$295
State (choose one)3050-28$125/$150
Metro Market (choose one)3050-54$40/$60
County (choose one)3050-32$40/$60
Institution Type (choose one: Large Depositories, Community Banks, Credit Unions, Non-Depositories) $175/$295

Note: Originations data exclude purchased loans, loans not secured by a first lien, multifamily loans, open-end lines of credit, and loans for home improvement or with "other" or "not applicable" purposes. Please visit for a list of all exclusions or for more information.

Copying or other redistribution of MBA Data on Demand products - in whole or in part - violates U.S. copyright law as well as any applicable MBA terms of use. Activities that are not permitted without MBA's advance permission include photocopying, faxing, excerpting, forwarding electronically and sharing of online access. If you know of colleagues or others who could benefit from this publication, subscriptions, site licenses, and discounted bulk subscriptions are available. Contact [email protected] for more information.

MBA's Data on Demand provides critical, historical, and the most up-to-date data that make a difference to your business. Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data are among the most comprehensive sources of historical loan origination data available to the public. The robust annual housing data has been processed and scrutinized by MBA's data technicians to provide your business with condensed, accurate, and useful reports.

All data and statistics are available on the national, state, metropolitan statistical area (MSA), and county level, including lender lists. The CFPB estimates that the 2019 HMDA data covers 88 percent of the closed-end mortgage market. Analyses and assumptions should be adjusted for this accordingly.

MBA makes no representations and/or warranties regarding the accuracy of its data or reports.

Note: There is approximately a six-month lag between the end of the calendar year and the release of HMDA data. For this reason, the most current year's worth of HMDA data was released in July 2024 and covers the 2023 calendar year. For more information, please visit the FFIEC website at