Affordable Housing Papers and Resources
The Affordable Housing Resource Center is a member toolkit of resources aimed addressing the nation’s affordable housing challenges and barriers to homeownership. The resources highlight opportunities where MBA and its members can have the greatest positive impact on affordable housing.
Environmental Scan, Affordable Rental Housing Challenges & Opportunities
This scan encompasses a comprehensive outlook on affordable multifamily challenges and identifies areas where MBA can play a strategic role in this space. The scan summarizes input from the Affordable Rental Housing Advisory Council, consumer advocates,
housing experts, and MBA staff on possible solutions for affordable multifamily housing issues such as the limited affordable rental housing supply and the effects of COVID-19. Download the scan.
Environmental Scan, Affordable Homeownership Challenges & Opportunities
scan identifies the fundamental elements of the affordable homeownership problem and potential solutions. MBA staff consulted with experts in housing and housing finance, consumer groups, and civil rights organizations. The paper summarizes key
findings and opportunities where MBA and its members can have the greatest positive impact on affordable homeownership. Download the scan.
Affordable Housing Policy Agenda
Affordable Housing Policy Agenda identifies policies that can be implemented by regulatory and legislative action at the federal, state, and local levels to help promote housing affordability across a wide range of incomes and across both rental
housing and homeownership. Recognizing that the issues underlying our nation's housing affordability challenges are constantly evolving, this Policy Agenda will be modified as circumstances and priorities change.
(updated in December 2022)
Access our previous agenda from 2020.
This agenda was created pre-pandemic when policy efforts were largely focused on how to improve the status quo - a situation where the affordable housing market was overpriced and undersupplied. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, however, affordable housing policy has largely focused on reducing the adverse impacts of the pandemic. In effect, the focus with respect to affordable housing has pivoted, for now, from aspiration to mitigation. This Policy Addendum outlines these current and on-going efforts, recognizing the evolving affordable housing challenges posed by COVID-19. Download the addendum.
Building Generational Wealth through Homeownership Initiative
has been an essential element of the American dream for decades and continues to be so today. Purchasing a home brings pride of ownership and the sense of belonging in a community, and it plays a vital role in helping to build strong, stable neighborhoods.
Download the paper.
With the help of its dedicated members and partners, MBA has begun the work and has made progress. We continue to lead and help African-American and Hispanic families leverage homeownership to create and maintain generational wealth. Download the progress report.
MBA continues to strive to bridge the racial homeownership gap and create a pathway for generational wealth. MBA is committed to providing industry leadership and direction advocating for both rental and homeownership affordability across diverse income
brackets. In this update, see the seven priorities we are working towards, the progress we've made, and learn what's next.
Past CONVERGENCE Event Recordings
- August 29, 2024: Understanding Consumers, Buyers, and Uses of Accessory Dwelling Units
- May 30, 2024: Culturally Competent Marketing and Messaging for Hispanic Homebuyers and Homeowners
- March 5, 2024: Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships for Affordable Housing Solutions
- November 2, 2023: Strategies for Serving Millennial and Gen Z Homebuyers
- August 29, 2023: Navigating the Obstacles in Multifamily Housing: Perspectives from the Affordable Rental Housing Advisory Council
- June 21, 2023: Expanding Homeownership through a Commitment to DEI
- March 30, 2023: Deciphering ESG in Affordable Multifamily Lending
- August 24, 2022: What Does it Cost to Produce a Unit of Housing?: Costs & Elements of Production
- June 23, 2022: Understanding and Serving Today’s Buyer
- April 25, 2022: Measuring Housing Affordability in America | Slide Deck
- February 17, 2022: The 2022 Legislative Outlook for Affordable Housing
Learn more about MBA's related efforts.
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