The Home for All Pledge

MBA recognizes and values the opportunities for working together as an industry to promote inclusion in housing. We believe that these opportunities can, and need to be, significantly expanded.
The Home for All Pledge represents our industry's long-term commitment on a sustained and holistic approach to address racial inequities in housing. By signing, you are agreeing to be a champion for change in addressing the barriers to sustainable housing for persons and communities of color.
Through advocacy, partnerships, and connections within the industry, you pledge to support MBA's efforts to ensure fair, equitable and responsible lending and affordable rental housing for minorities.
Pillars of the pledge include:
- Promote and support public policies and industry practices that advance minority homeownership and affordable rental housing
- Support market-based solutions through MBA's place-based CONVERGENCE programs
- Champion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in our workplaces and our industry
- Support inclusion in single-family and/or multifamily housing with similar actions that are not listed under the above three commitments
Help us Break Barriers to Sustainable Housing for Communities of Color