Path to Diversity Scholarship Program
NOTE: MBA Education is currently not accepting applications due to demand that exceeds available funds. Please check this page for additional information, and please contact [email protected] if you have any immediate questions. If you or your company is interested and able, the Path to Diversity program is always accepting donations and we greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer. Thank you for your understanding!
The Path to Diversity Scholarship Program recognizes existing industry professionals seeking to advance their careers through continuing education. Recipients receive a voucher to cover a one-course registration fee, up to a maximum of $1,800, for popular MBA Education courses and designation programs. Scholarships are limited to one scholarship per year. This education opportunity supports employees from diverse and traditionally under-represented backgrounds to advance their professional growth and career development.
MBA recognizes that a strong, responsible, and sustainable real estate finance industry requires a workforce that reflects our society.
Congratulations to the Path to Diversity Scholarship recipients who received funds during our 2024 Fiscal Year (from October 2023 to September 2024)!
Application Requirements and Eligibility
A completed application requires a resume, personal statement, and a letter of recommendation from a current MBA member in one of the following groups:
- Supervisor/Organization Leadership
- CMB (specifically for CMB applicants)
- National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAAMBA)
- State/Local MBA
- Future Leaders Alumni (specifically for Future Leaders applicants)
- mPact, mPower, or DEI committees (DEI Advisory Committee or Online Community)
Applicants must also meet the following criteria:
- Be currently employed by an MBA member firm or state MBA member firm that is current on their dues with MBA
- Has worked a minimum of two (2) years in the mortgage industry, or has broad experience in a related field with some focus in real estate finance, or has post-high school education related to the real estate finance industry, to include training to obtain a license, company-sponsored training, or MBA or other professional education
Applicants from all backgrounds are welcome, and those belonging to one or more of the following traditionally under-represented groups are encouraged to identify as such on their application:
- Female
- LGBTQ+ Community
- Non-white or bi-racial
Review Timeline and Evaluation Process
Applications are accepted on a monthly, rolling basis, subject to the availability of funds. Scholarship award amounts are based on the selected course registration. Individuals can receive up to three awards during their careers, with no more
than one award provided per calendar year.
Applications received will be reviewed by the MBA’s Path to Diversity Scholarship Award Task Force. Applicants will receive an acceptance or denial email no later than 30 business days after the date that the application was submitted. If you are denied, you may reapply at any time.
A complete application will be evaluated on the strength and content of the personal statement and letter of recommendation equally. Applicants should be prepared to discuss their career trajectory and how they will contribute to the advancement of a fairer and more equitable real estate finance industry.
Applicants who are U.S. Military Veterans or persons with disabilities will receive bonus points.
Qualified Courses and Programs
Accepted applicants may use their education funds on any of the following:
Professional Certificates & Designations
- Certified Mortgage Banker (CMB)
- Certified Mortgage Compliance Professional (CMCP)
- Certified Residential Underwriter (CRU)
- Residential Certified Mortgage Servicer (RCMS)
- Commercial Certified Mortgage Servicer (CCMS)
- Chartered Realty Investor (CRI)
Residential: General
- School of Mortgage Banking I: An Introduction to the Real Estate Finance Industry
- School of Mortgage Banking II: Managing Profitability and Risk
- School of Mortgage Banking III: Strategic Planning for Mortgage Bankers
- Introduction to Mortgage Banking
Residential: Loan Production
Residential: Loan Administration
Why Donate?
This scholarship is fully funded by our members. It simply would not be possible without your support! Join your industry peers who are already committed to supporting this important scholarship.
As a donor, your company will receive the following:
- Company listed in scholarship fund press release
- Company logo on the MBA’s Path to Diversity web page and program materials
- Recognition on MBA’s social media platforms